Individual psychotherapy

Understanding your own world. One conversation at a time.

I work with:

  • Various cultures and expat community. In therapy I work with all kinds of cases and people from all walks of life. Having lived in different cultures for the past 9+ years, I have experienced human diversity, uniqueness of personalities and commonness of our struggles

  • Young adults. I have a special place in my heart for age group 18-25 years old. Their struggles are life forming but sadly, kept silent, and often go unnoticed

  • War refugees and those suffering from Russian aggression. I'm Ukrainian, and I find it my duty to help make a phrase a reality for as many people as I can, one consultation at a time: "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"

How I work:

  • I consult adults (from 18 years old), in English, Ukrainian, Russian

  • I work with people of all culture, religion, race, sex and orientation

  • The duration of the consultation is 50 minutes

  • We meet online

  • The first 20-minute introductory call is free of charge

  • I take care of the quality of my work by constantly supervising my work with a supervisor, in personal and group therapy sessions

Treatment method:

The main method is a therapeutic dialog. Existential approach is conversational, non-invasive and respectful of individual choices and ways of living. You can call it a practical training in the art of living.

The paradigm prioritizes the present moment, so you often hear a therapist bringing a client back into now, exploring the present moment and their own client-therapist relationship.

Topics I work with:

Relationships, adaptation, emigration, choices, identity crisis, anxiety, depression, spiritual abuse, bereavement, meaning and purpose in life, etc.

I don't work with: children, couples, addictions or mental disorders (schizophrenia, dissociative disorder, etc.).

Work principles:

CONFIDENTIALITY - Everything a client shares stays confidential.

RESPECT AND ACCEPTANCE - All emotions, feelings and experiences can be here.

HOPE AND POSITIVE EXPECTATION - I have a strong belief in positive outcome even in smilingly ‘impossible’ circumstances and that client pursues challenging yet achievable goals.

"The existential attitude to life can be compared to that of Buddhists and Stoics. Life is seen as a constant challenge that can be answered more fictitiously if you stand in a position of composure and determination, rather than avoidance and self-deception." - Emmy Van Deurzen, existential psychotherapist


What to do when the session has to be cancelled?

If you need to cancel a session, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule or cancel. If you cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment, it will be considered a session and you will be charged accordingly. If you wish to stop therapy, we will discuss it beforehand, and I respect your decision to take a break or end therapy at any time.

What can I expect during my first visit?

You can expect an open and collaborative conversation. There is no magic. It's a starting point and a slow process of getting to know each other and building trust. We will discuss some of your difficulties you wish to share, clarify the desired frequency, regularity, and price of therapy. This is the right time and place to express your goals, expectations, doubts, maybe previous experience, and fears, if any, about the process.

When should I consider seeking therapy?

You may want to consider seeking therapy if you are experiencing complex emotions, challenges in communication or daily life, or if previously effective solutions are no longer working. Other reasons include feeling hopeless or experiencing thoughts of suicide, wanting to engage in more productive self-reflection, or wanting to become emotionally stronger and more stable.

What are the payment options?

Payments can be made via bank transfer (SEB Bank, Privat Bank) or PayPal. Payment methods and schedules can be flexible, depending on what is most comfortable for you.

Since you're a photographer, will you photograph me during our therapy?

No. As I follow the professional code of ethics of psychologists, I don't photograph my psychotherapy clients and don't take into therapy women I photograph. For some it might sound strange, but it's done to keep the therapy space and relationship clean and safe with defined boundaries and roles.

How many therapy sessions will I need?

The number of sessions needed varies for each individual since each person's request and psyche are unique. Some may need only a few sessions to address their concerns, while others may require more prolonged therapy. One person comes into a therapy as soon as they begin to feel discomfort from the situation, and another suffers for years and has already caused themself a lot of harm. It is logical that more time will be needed in the second case.

If I have previously worked with another psychologist and it did not help me, should I try again?

Yes, each therapist uses their own methods, and it may be that the previous approach or therapist was not the right fit for you, or timing wasn't right, or any other reason. It is important to find a therapist and approach that you trust and feel comfortable with.

Is in-person therapy more effective than online therapy?

No, the format does not affect the effectiveness of therapy. It is a matter of personal preference and comfort level.

Will the therapist judge me based on what I share?

No, the therapist will not judge you. Our goal is to understand your motivations and work on the underlying reasons for your situation, not to judge you. It is similar to visiting a dentist for a toothache; the dentist is not there to judge but to help.

Should I talk to a friend instead of seeking therapy?

It is not recommended as a friends does not guarantee your privacy. Sharing personal information with a friend could make you vulnerable to others, and your friend may not be equipped to solve your problem. You will experience relief from speaking, but friends may also offer advice that is not suitable for your situation. Seeking therapy provides a confidential and supportive environment to address your concerns with a trained professional.